Recycling of Critical Raw Materials in the Nordics: webinar presenting the report

Recycling of Critical Raw Materials in the Nordics
Start/End date
Event type
Other (Norway, Iceland)

On 29 February at 13:00 – 14:30 CET, the Nordic Council of Ministers' Nordic Working Group for Circular Economy (NCE) will hold a webinar to present the report on Recycling of Critical Raw Materials in the Nordics.

CRMs are instrumental in the sustainable development and strategic independence of the Nordic region - so what's the state of play when it comes to recycling them?

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the Nordic region's secondary value chains for CRMs.

At the event, policy makers will speak about the strategic importance of CRMs for the Nordic region, and explore the links between and potential of the waste and recycling sectors, innovation and industry.
