Götafors School: a successful example of modular construction

A very successful modular-built school

Götafors School in Sweden has been awarded the BREEAM In-Use Outstanding certification, proving that modular construction can be used to make a modern, energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly school.

Parmaco is a Finnish company which specialises in renting modular buildings: people can rent exactly what they need for as long as they need it rather than going through the resource-depleting fun and games of building it. Parmaco designed the school to minimise its environmental impact and provide students and teaching staff with a pleasant, healthier, more eco-friendly environment. And after all, when teaching pupils about the merits of circularity, visual aids are always helpful...

"Götafors School stands as a clear example of how innovative thinking and modern construction techniques with a focus on circularity can pave the way for a more sustainable future," said Rikard Nyhrén, CEO of Parmaco Sweden.

The BREEAM In-Use standard can be used to assess and benchmark the sustainability of all operational asset types. Each standard has a common framework, meaning that projects can be compared accurately. Götafors School was awarded top scores on daylight optimisation, energy efficiency, water management and pollution control, and the lighting and climate control, open spaces and safety enhancements were also praised.

If circularity involves keeping resources in the value chain for as long as possible, then modular building is a good example. And this is a good example of modular building!