Recap of items published recently!
Over the last two weeks, we've added items on:
Circular Economy Stakeholder Dialogue: see the programme and register!
Apply now to host an EU Green Week 2025 partner event!
The RECLAIM project: a material recovery plant for remote areas
Reuse corner: how the EESC, one of the co-founders of the ECESP, is implementing circular principles
Circular bioeconomy: bioplastics from spent brewers' grain
Call for cities and regions: Join a CCRI community of practice
Circular bioeconomy: biomass from coffee production
Secondary raw materials: recycled rubber from End-of-Life tyres
Circular bioeconomy: fishfeed and fertiliser from plant by-products
Reducing plastic, enhancing sustainability: smart solutions for every business
Presentation of the Circular Threads 2.0 report
UNLOCK final conference: Circular bioeconomy & EU policy innovation in agriculture
ONE health, ONE planet! How can EMAS help healthcare centres improve humans and planet's health? - #EUCT!
Presenting new metrics and data for circularity & sustainability in textiles
How to build circular economy value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Circular Economy Platforms and Networks:
C4CEC: The Center for Circular Economy in Coffee
Good Practices:
Stokarti: making use of surplus assets
Circular economy in the Healthcare Sector in Catalonia
Towards an ecological metaphor for regenerative circular economies
Do let us know what you're doing to promote the circular economy: we'd love to add an item on it!