Recap of items published recently!

Boxes with the different types of content and the words 'Want to see what we've added to the website recently? No problem: here's a recap!"
14 Mar 2025
News type

Over the last two weeks, we've added items on:


Circular Economy Stakeholder Dialogue: see the programme and register!

Apply now to host an EU Green Week 2025 partner event!

The EU Green Electronics Working Group: coordinating research projects and helping electronics go greener!

The RECLAIM project: a material recovery plant for remote areas

Reuse corner: how the EESC, one of the co-founders of the ECESP, is implementing circular principles

Circular bioeconomy: bioplastics from spent brewers' grain

International Seminar on Biotechnology Applied to the Plastics Sector: obstacles and opportunities of bioplastics

Call for cities and regions: Join a CCRI community of practice

Circular bioeconomy: biomass from coffee production

Secondary raw materials: recycled rubber from End-of-Life tyres

Circular bioeconomy: fishfeed and fertiliser from plant by-products


Reducing plastic, enhancing sustainability: smart solutions for every business 

Presentation of the Circular Threads 2.0 report 

UNLOCK final conference: Circular bioeconomy & EU policy innovation in agriculture

ONE health, ONE planet! How can EMAS help healthcare centres improve humans and planet's health? - #EUCT!

Presenting new metrics and data for circularity & sustainability in textiles

How to build circular economy value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean?

Circular Economy Platforms and Networks:

C4CEC: The Center for Circular Economy in Coffee

Good Practices:

Stokarti: making use of surplus assets

Circular economy in the Healthcare Sector in Catalonia

Automotive Circularity Platform: From Automotive to Automotive: an ecosystem approach for closed loop end-of-life vehicle recycling


Towards an ecological metaphor for regenerative circular economies

Cocreating value through open circular innovation strategies: a results-driven work plan and future research avenues

Do let us know what you're doing to promote the circular economy: we'd love to add an item on it!