Take part in the survey | Construction & Circular Economy | European LIFE Project WASTE2BUILD

As part of the European LIFE Waste2Build project, INEC and SYNETHIC launched a survey to identify existing circular economy approaches in the construction and deconstruction sector.

The European LIFE Waste2Build project aims to promote circularity and change practices in the sector. LIFE Waste2Build relies on the replicability of projects to spread circular economy approaches across Europe. It also systematises the circular economy in public procurement.

This survey is aimed at regions engaged in developing the circular economy in the construction and public works sector. Fill in this questionnaire to highlight your project and showcase your region's innovative, circular and sustainable approach. The questionnaire's objective is to enable the replicability of circular economy projects in the building and public works sector, spread these good practices on a European scale, and showcase the initiatives already existing in the territories. It is available in French and English and will not take more than 10 minutes to fill.

You can fill the survey even if your territory has not a circular approach yet. Your answers can help identify the obstacles to implementing such projects.
The INEC and SYNETHIC teams thank you in advance for your participation!