Organizing for Sustainability
Follow a MOOC on Organizing for Sustainability: A guide to developing new business models
The development of sustainable business models is crucial in the transition to a more sustainable society. The core of a business goal is multiple-value creation: value for people, nature and society. But most business goals only look at the monetary outcome and cannot work on more values at a time. The Business Model Template (BMT) does just that.
This MOOC (massive open online course) provides a structured approach to developing a sustainable business model. It consists of seven chapters, each based on five units, which address specific elements of developing a business model. The BMT is a practice-oriented tool to help make sustainable, community-based or circular business models.
The MOOC is designed in a step-by-step manner, following the structure of the book Organizing for Sustainability (Jonker/Faber), which consists of three stages and ten building blocks. Each unit starts with a short introduction, after which a concise central video is provided, followed by (if available) various assignments, some multiple-choice questions for a self-test and finally some additional material.
The MOOC is self-paced, to be followed in one's own time, faster or slower depending on the time available and on particular circumstances. Moreover, it is possible to 'jump' through the MOOC – there is no 'forced' order of things. The MOOC can be followed individually, but it can be more fun to work on the various assignments as part of a team.
This MOOC project has been realised by various universities of Applied Sciences, consultants and organizations in the Netherlands and has been funded by a Dutch SURF grant. Click here for more information.