Building prosperity: Unlocking the potential of a nature-positive, circular economy for Europe

Building Prosperity report

Circular building with trees and the title of the report "Building Prosperity: Unlocking the potential of a nature-positive, circular economy for Europe"
Lenaic Gravis, Editorial Development Manager, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Nick Jeffries, Senior Expert, Built Environment, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Jessica Watts, Senior Research Analyst, Arup
Publication Date
July, 2024
United Kingdom
Language for original content

This report demonstrates the value of a circular economy that is regenerative by design.

The health of our economy relies on the health of nature, but nature has been overexploited and undervalued – and is declining at an unprecedented rate. That needs to change.

This study focuses on Europe’s built environment and explores how a nature-positive circular economy in the sector can unlock a huge economic opportunity for the continent, increasing resilience, competitiveness and the vibrancy of its cities. 

Six circular economy strategies have been selected based on their potential to drive economic and nature-positive gains and realise wider environmental and social outcomes.