Digital Product Passport as Enabler for the Circular Economy

Digital Product Passport - Enabler of the Circular Economy

Digital Product Passport as Enabler for the Circular Economy
Adriana Neligan
Carmen Schleicher
Barbara Engels
Thorsten Kroke
Publication Date
September, 2023
Language for original content

A Digital Product Passport (DPP) is being discussed as a core instrument for building a circular economy, itself a key enabler of climate neutrality. Although there is not yet a standardised, cross-sectoral and cross-company product passport system, there are already individual solutions for collecting information for certain product groups.

A DPP needs to be made available digitally for all stakeholders in order to increase transparency throughout the entire product lifecycle.

This paper answers the following questions:

  • Why are politicians pushing for a DPP in connection with the circular economy?
  • What is a DPP?
  • What already exists?
  • What does a DPP need?
  • How ready are companies for a DPP? How can a DPP be delivered?
  • What would a prototype look like?