Digital Product Passport: the ticket to achieving a climate neutral and circular European economy?

Digital Product Passport: The ticket to achieving a climate neutral and circular European economy?

Digital Product Passport
Thomas Götz
Holger Berg
Maike Jansen
Thomas Adisorn
David Cembrero
Sanna Markkanen
Tahmid Chowdhury
Publication Date
July, 2022
Language for original content
Tahmid Chowdhury
Contact Details

In March, the European Commission released its Circular Economy Package which includes a proposal for an Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). The ESPR identifies a Digital Product Passport (DPP) as key, enhancing the traceability of products and their components.

The Taskforce for climate neutral and circular materials and products and the Wuppertal Institute have released their new report. This report builds on business insights into how a well-designed DPP could enable climate action and enhanced circularity in the EU.