Reducing supply risks for critical raw materials: Evidence and policy options

Reducing supply risks for critical raw materials: Evidence and policy options

Reducing supply risks for critical raw materials
Edoardo Righetti
Vasileios Rizos
Publication Date
January, 2024
Language for original content

The uptake of green and digital technologies will massively increase demand for critical raw materials (CRMs). Since CRM supply chains are heavily concentrated, this exposes the EU to significant CRM supply risks. Several policy options emerge for the EU to address these risks. Domestically, there is potential to produce primary and secondary CRMs, yet significant time and resources will be required to scale up production.

Material substitution and resource efficiency might also play non-negligible roles with enough R&I support. Internationally, both trade policy and international cooperation (including within multilateral fora) hold significant prospects for mitigating supply risks. If properly managed, stockpiling CRMs can also help shield against short-term supply or price shock.