Why steel recycles forever: How to collect, sort and recycle steel for packaging

Why Steel recycles for ever

Why steel recycles forever: How to collect, sort and recycle steel for packaging
Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging. (APEAL) Steel for Packaging
Publication Date
February, 2022
Language for original content
Steve Claus
Contact Details

This report, which contains best practices and policy recommendations, provides updated information relevant to all organisations and stakeholders, both in the public and private sector, who wish to learn more about material recycling.

The objective is to help stakeholders - throughout the whole value chain - work collaboratively to achieve APEAL’s vision of zero steel packaging to landfill by 2025.

Steel for packaging is already the most recycled primary packaging material in Europe (2019 recycling rate: 84%), bringing great savings in emissions, resource and energy use.

Steel’s unique inherent qualities give it a natural advantage. Its magnetic properties make it easy and economical to recycle. As a permanent material, it can also be recycled forever.