A Circular Economy Monitor for Flanders

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The Flemish Government wants to reduce the material footprint of consumption in Flanders by 30% by 2030. In order to know whether Flanders is on the right track and makes well-considered policy choices, data are needed. That is why Circular Flanders and the Circular Economy Research Centre launched the Circular Economy Monitor on 17 November. The Circular Economy Monitor provides more than 100 indicators per domain of the economy, to measure how circular Flanders is.

The circular economy monitor is essentially composed of three levels:

  • A macro level composed of indicators focusing on society-wide material flows and associated environmental, economic and social impacts connected to the Flemish region, including effects outside the Flemish borders.
  • A meso level composed of indicators focusing on the achievement of the circular economy, particularly systems designed to fulfill needs.
  • A micro level featuring a set of specific products and services, meant to establish a representative and broad sample of our daily consumption and that is also relevant when considering the circular economy transition.