ECESP Annual Conference Workshop: Circular procurement
The aim of this workshop is to help policy-makers tackle the bottlenecks in legislation and give an insight for businesses and decision-makers on how they should transform their offer in products & services.
As this workshop will be held on MS Teams, please register here for the sub-sessions before joining.
- What does circular procurement mean?
- What questions should I be asking the market?
- Does the market have the capacity and capability to deliver a more circular business model?
- How to find circular suppliers?
- How would I write an outcomes based tender to encourage suppliers to offer more innovative circular solutions? How do I then evaluate and score their responses in a transparent and fair manner?
- How to convince the financial department and decision makers that we should procure in a more circular way?
Interreg North Sea Region ProCirc is a project combining the expertise of different countries and previous projects on circular procurement. The results of this workshop will be integrated in the output of ProCirc.
See programme.
All information about the ECESP 2020 Annual Conference Day 1 and Day 2 can be found here.