Network governance - What role for the circular transition brokers? - A WCEF2022 Accelerator Session

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The transition towards a circular economy can be a game changer for Africa's development. A circular economic continent would:

  • ensure a secure and healthy supply of food, given that the food sector has the greatest potential for reaching climate goals and preserving biodiversity
  • promote the building of sustainable housing and infrastructure
  • reform raw material supply chains and use circular finance opportunities to develop sustainable growth and jobs.

Governance is crucial to empower the transition, and setting up circular economy hubs would be instrumental in the circular transition.

This session on 8 December, 13:30-15:00 CET focused on the role of network governance: building a coalition of partners willing to contribute to transformational changes will promote the implementation of circular economy roadmaps at national and local levels.

One of the main objectives of the session was to present and discuss the role of transition brokers in accelerating circular initiatives. These intermediaries (also hub leaders) coordinate the circular transition with different actors (such as industry, local governments, research and educational institutes and civil society). Transition brokers can fulfil various functions in setting up network governance, from helping build circular initiatives to upscaling them by linking successful local case studies to national policy and agenda setting.

The African continent has tremendous potential to build solid network governance and identify hub leaders, because it already has many inspiring circular economy solutions. The exchange of existing good practices and "out of silos" thinking are essential elements. The main challenge when it comes to establishing circular economy hubs is the need for ambitious targets, indicators and long-term financial support from governments and businesses.

This event is an Accelerator Session at the World Circular Economy Forum 2022


13:30 - 13:35 Welcome by moderator

  • Ladeja Godina Košir

13:35 - 13:45 Opening remarks

  • María Rincón Liévana, DG ENV, European Commission
  • Anders Ladefoged, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

13:45 - 13:55 Prof. Jacqueline Cramer (Presentation)

13:55 - 14:05 How can circular economy hubs spark the transition and contribute to climate goals?

  • Chris Whyte, African Circular Economy Network
  • Kgauta Mokoena, Chief Director for Chemicals and Waste Policy, South Africa Department for Environmental Affairs

14:05 - 14:25 Case studies

  • Development of interconnected regional circularity centres throughout Europe for better collaboration across borders, Michael Laermann, Ecopreneur (Presentation)
  • Deborah Edward, Circular Business Platform Lagos
  • Keiran Smith, Mr Green Africa
  • Françoise Bonnet, ACR+ (Presentation)

14:25 - 14:55 Panel discussion & Q&A

14:55 - 15:00 Closing remarks

  • Freek van Eijk, Holland Circular Hotspot