The sense and nonsense of material-passports

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On 4 October 2019 the Cradle to Cradle Bouwgroep is organising a unique seminar and debate for architects, designers, developers and building environment professionals. Participants will learn more about Material Passports and circular building projects. 

The Material Passport
Material Passports give building materials an 'identity'. The goal of the passports is to generate value by mapping and highlighting the potential for re-use and recycling of products and materials for varying stakeholders. Additionally, a material passport can provide insight into the health and safety aspects of a material/product. During the seminar you will learn about the different varieties of passports available, as well how they can be applied within your project(s). 

Speakers for the day will include

  • Madaster
  • Circular IQ
  • Cradle to Cradle Bouwgroep
  • Van Wijnen Bouw
  • Montea Vastgoed
  • Sweco