Consultation on the first draft of the revised EU Green Public Procurement criteria for buildings
Public authorities are major consumers in Europe: they spend approximately 1,8 trillion EUR annually, representing around 14 % of the EU’s gross domestic product. By using their purchasing power to choose goods and services with lower impacts on the environment, they can make an important contribution to sustainable consumption and production.
The European Commission is currently working on a proposal to revise the Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for buildings. The revision process will consider expanding the scope of the GPP criteria to other types of buildings purchased and/or maintained by public authorities, in particular schools and social housing.
Proposals will also try to be in line with recent policy developments relating to the Renovation Wave, the Level(s) common framework and the EU Taxonomy. The proposal was discussed in a webinar on 21 and 22 March and all relevant documents are available on the Joint Research Center (JRC) website.
To be involved in the consultation process, you can do so through the website, by registering as a stakeholder. Comments are gathered through the BATIS platform, to which one can register by filling in the Joint Research Center (JRC) EU survey. Comments will be summarised in an anonymous table, with JRC responses, which will be made available on the JRC website prior to the publication of the next draft technical report.
The deadline for comments is on 10 May 2022.
You can contact the project team through this form, or directly via email.