ECESP Coordination Group 2020-2023 second meeting

17 Mar 2021
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At its second meeting on 16 March 2021, the ECESP Coordination Group 2020-2023 discussed how to take the ECESP to the next level.

The next circular economy stakeholder conference will most likely take place early in 2022. In the meantime, the Leadership Group activities and EU Circular Talks are leading towards it. EU Circular Talks are already being scheduled for the eight thematic Leadership Groups: 

  1. Retailers, Consumer, Skills
  2. Cities & Regions
  3. Circular Procurement
  4. Food waste, Food systems & Bioeconomy
  5. Construction & Infrastructure
  6. Textiles
  7. Network Governance & CE Hubs
  8. Economic Incentives.

Coordination Group members were invited to express interest to synergise with European Commission initiatives:

  • The Climate Pact (DG CLIMA)
  • The Global Alliance for Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency (DG ENV) and
  • The Circular Cities & Regions Initiative (CCRI) (DG RTD).

International outreach is also important when promoting the circular economy globally, and so CG Members were invited to join forces to participate in a pavilion in the Dubai Expo 2022.