Green Dot Cyprus - a collective compliance system for packaging and packaging waste
Green Dot Cyprus is the first collective compliance system for packaging and packaging waste in Cyprus. It was established as a non-profit organisation, on the initiative of local industry, with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) as an umbrella organisation.
Green Dot provides categorisations to packaging waste and also offers household waste collections. Currently, its shareholders include enterprises using packaging, distributors, and packaging manufacturers, as well as the CCCI. Green Dot cooperates with the majority of enterprises operating in Cyprus.
Main activity field
Main results
- Increasing package recycling from 8 000 tonnes in 2007 to 57 000 tonnes in 2020 (about 65% of all packaging on the market), hence 600 000 tonnes of packaging waste recycled in 14 years.
- Recognised as one of the 10 best European companies in the category Environmental & Corporate Sustainability at the European Business Awards 2014/2015
- Launching the ReCYcling CY mobile application, giving access to information about collection points for recycling and battery disposal.
- Providing educational materials for schools (e.g. presentations, posters, informative videos).
- Covering more than 80% of the population and representing more than 1 200 companies in Cyprus.