Circular Economy policy innovation and good practices in Europe

Circular economy policy innovation and good practice in Member States

European Environment Agency
ETC-CE for the EEA (2022)
Publication Date
December, 2022
Language for original content

At the request of the European Commission, the European Environment Agency (EEA) has produced EU country profiles that offer an updated view of circular economy policies being implemented at a national level, with a particular focus on elements that go beyond EU mandatory elements, and best practice with a focus on policy innovation.

While implementing the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2020), Member States are encouraged to advance circularity at a national level by adopting policies and initiatives that go beyond EU regulations, while preserving the Single Market.

These circular economy country profiles are based on information reported by the Eionet network and, particularly, its Group on Circular Economy and Resource Use in the second quarter of 2022.