Circular Europe - How to successfully manage the transition from a linear to a circular world

Circular Europe - How to successfully manage the transition from a linear to a circular world

Circular Europe
The European House - Ambrosetti
Publication Date
September, 2020
Language for original content

Many European countries still lack a national strategic roadmap for transposing the European directives at national level.

Some outstanding issues include the need to have clearer operational guidelines for the adoption of circular models and metrics for monitoring the transition towards circular models.

This study has been prepared in collaboration with Enel and with the scientific contribution of Enel Foundation. It unfolds in three main parts:

  • State-of-the-art of Circular Economy  in the European Union
  • An innovative assessment model for socio-economic and environmental benefits of Circular Economy in the EU, with a focus on Italy, Romania, and Spain
  • Policy proposals for successfully managing the transition from a linear to a circular world.