Green Public Procurement: An Overview of Green Reforms in Country Procurement Systems

Green Public Procurement: An Overview of Green Reforms in Country Procurement Systems

Green Public Procurement
World Bank Group
Publication Date
September, 2021
Other (189 countries all over the world)
Language for original content

In many countries, the government is the single largest purchaser of products, services and works. Green Public Procurement (GPP) enables governments to reduce the environmental impact of their purchases. It also serves as a powerful tool for governments to simultaneously achieve their environmental and development policy objectives.

This report - Green Public Procurement: An Overview of Green Reforms in Country Procurement Systems - provides an overview of international experience in the implementation of GPP. It focuses on the institutional framework that is needed to support the mainstreaming of GPP practices across governments. The intention is to equip practitioners with a broad understanding of the issues they need to consider in the design and implementation of GPP reforms.