IDEA educational materials: helping educators boosting unemployed adults employability through circular economy

Start/End date

In the framework of the Cooperative Partnership Erasmus+ IDEA (Improved Employability through Circular Economy Education for Adults) the partners consortium designed a comprehensive set of educational materials and platforms to support educators for the training of unemployed adults (45+)

The IDEA Guide, Interactive Toolkit and Practitioners Network aim at involving adult educators in experiment innovative methodologies and contents to:

  1. encourage circular economy learning and commitment through arts, crafts and Tinkering and NFE methodologies among unemployed adults
  2. boost participants' CVs and employability with an eye to the green transition.

The educational materials consist of the following:

  • the IDEA Guide contains a selection of good practices, methodologies and workshops to be implemented on circular economy and business, green co-design and sustainable craftwork
  • the IDEA Interactive Toolkit consists of an accessible e-learning platform on circular economy, together with exercises and educational activities and interactive materials designed by an audience of stakeholder operators and organisations in the field
  • the IDEA Practitioners Network is an online platform grounded on digital tools and a peer-to-peer approach to education which stimulates recycled art and plastic craftwork among unemployed adults, thus improving not only their levels of inclusion but also their employability.