3R pyrolysis technology converts un-exploited biomass resources into bio-phosphate

3r flow chart
Type of organisation or company
Kajaszo-Biofarm Agri Research Station
Language for original content
Project elaborated in partnership
Submitted by
Edward Someus
Start/End date
Expected end date
Type of funding
Terra Humana Ltd - Edward Someus

Phosphorus (P) is a key element in food crop and animal production and cannot be substituted. European agriculture relies on the continuous inputs of mined and non-renewable P and synthesised N, but over 88% of all P-fertilisers on the EU market are being imported from third countries. Taking into consideration the 700% price increase in the phosphate sector in 2008 and further price volatility expected in 2018-2020, the European Commission has recognised P as a critical raw material in 2017.

In 2019, Terra Humana finalised the development of its 3R zero emission and high temperature pyrolysis technology to recover Bio-Phosphate made from food grade animal bones. Such Bio-Phosphate contains >30% P2O5 and works well as a controlled release fertilizer, effectively supporting the industrial implementation of the new EU Fertilising Products Regulation objectives.

The Bio-Phosphate offers potential to substitute approximately <11% of all imported mineral phosphate in EU agriculture before 2030 and can be a strategic resource for organic farming sector before 2025. This technology also fills a need for large-scale bio-fertiliser production in the EU.

Main activity field
Main results

Demonstrated, EU-certified and economical innovative technology at high TRL/IRL, which meets both the requirements of the new EU Fertilising Products Regulation and all other industrial norms and standards far beyond 2020. Implementation of the 3R zero emission technology projects in an industrial franchise model would enable the conversion of 20,800 t/y per unit food grade animal bones into high Phosphorus concentrated animal bone char for organic farming and adsorbent applications.