RecycAI: recovering fabric waste to make heavy-duty bags

Heavy-duty bag from recovered materials
Type of organisation or company
Other (Albania)
Language for original content
Violeta Bojaxhi

Circular solutions don't have to be complicated...

The Albanian social enterprise RecycAl is reusing textile waste such as leather scraps or heavyweight fabric like canvas by turning it into heavy-duty bags that can replace industrial polypropylene bags. These circular bags are suitable for industrial-scale manufacturing.

Recycling Albania (RecycAl LLC) was set up in 2022. It focuses on delivering environmental justice and promoting social and environmental projects. Its work is geared towards zero waste and reusing items rather than throwing them out. 

The heavy-duty bag project is very much in tune with these values. The enterprise collects fabric waste and diverts it from landfills or incineration. The environmental benefits are obvious, as are the benefits of reusing secondary waste rather than using virgin raw materials to make yet more plastic items.


Main results
  • RecycAI has come up with an innovative heavy-duty bag design suitable for industrial-scale manufacturing.
  • Reusing textile waste reduces waste and avoids greenhouse gas emissions caused by incineration. It also decreases plastic pollution as plastic bags can be replaced by these bags made from recycled materials.