The furniture sector and Circular Economy 2.0: the European Furniture Industries Confederation shares its views

EFIC Position paper: The Furniture sector and Circular Economy 2.0

The Furniture sector and Circular Economy 2.0
EFIC - European Furniture Industries Confederation
Publication Date
April, 2020
Language for original content
Gabriella Kemendi
Giorgia Murgia

From a “circular” point of view, the wide range of products considered to be "furniture" and the diverse use of materials in production (e.g. wood, plastics, textile, steel, glass, composites, foam) makes it a complex area to address.

The European Furniture Industries Confederation (EFIC) has drawn up a position paper that identifies challenges and opportunities linked to the circular economy transition, covering the different phases of manufacturing from supply of materials to the end-of-life phase, and that provides sector-specific expertise on EU Circular Economy policies.

The European furniture industries are ready to work together with EU institutions to create suitable tools for the sector, enabling it to move in the right direction.

Source: EFIC