Lessons Learnt from Circular Procurement Pilots

Circular Public Procurement
Publication Date
March, 2021
Language for original content

Between 2017 and 2020, Aalborg (Denmark), Malmö (Sweden) and Smiltene and Pļaviņas (Latvia) piloted innovative new approaches to buying circular goods and services as part of the Circular PP project. Their experiences have been collated in this report, which is a very useful guide for public buyers interested in trying out circular procurement. A summary of the report is also available.

The main results and lessons from six public procurement pilot schemes are outlined in the report:

  • Buying back ICT equipment (City of Aalborg)
  • Outdoor learning environment tender (City of Aalborg)
  • Non-new furniture tender (City of Malmö)
  • Waste management tender (City of Malmö)
  • Catering services for schools (Latvia)
  • Furniture for school dormitories (Latvia)