Towards a Circular Economy: Competences for Youth - Conference Report

Towards a Circular Economy - Competences for Youth - CESCY final conference

Common Gold
Rete Educare ai Diritti Umani
Mentes Empreendedoras
Zink Asturias
Publication Date
July, 2022
Language for original content

The conference Towards a Circular Economy: Competences for Youth aimed to enable participants from different backgrounds to learn more about the outputs from the Circular Economy - Sustainable Competences for Youth (CESCY) project, to share their views and to hear from experts from different sectors.

The worsening climate crisis and the growing scarcity of natural resources have increasingly demonstrated the limits of our predominantly linear economy. There is no question that our business models and practices must become more sustainable and circular. It is therefore essential that young people be prepared to contribute and lead the way towards a more circular economy in Europe and beyond.