Wasted bread: New culture medium for growing starters from bakery waste in the fermented food industry

Bread Waste
Michela Verni - Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy
Andrea Minisci - Valle Fiorita Catering S.r.l, Ostuni, Italy
Sonia Convertino -Valle Fiorita Catering S.r.l, Ostuni, Italy
Luana Nionelli - Valle Fiorita Catering S.r.l, Ostuni, Italy
Carlo G. Rizzello - Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy
Publication Date
February, 2020
Language for original content

Through fermentation, bread scraps can produce chemical compounds for the pharmaceutical and food industries, fuels and enzymes. The starters (which kickstart the fermentation process) obtained by this project confirm the huge economic and technological potential of a growing substrate obtained from low-cost matrices.

The protocol includes homogenisation of the waste bread (leavened bakery products), with the addition of enzymes and final sterilisation.

The culture medium can be liquid (broth), solid (agar) or dehydrated. The substrate can be used for cultivating lactic bacteria, yeasts and moulds (for the food industry).

About 10% of the bread waste produced monthly can be used to yield a culture medium for bacterial starters.