Circular City Governance in Prato


The City of Prato is famous for its textile district, which represents about 3% of European textile production. Thanks to its textile recycling techniques, Prato is considered one of the most advanced and innovative industrial cities in Italy.


  • Prato was the first industrial district to develop a closed water cycle in order to reuse waste water more than once and to clean it before giving it back to the environment;
  • it has limited the waste originating from construction and demolition by recycling and reusing various C&D materials.

Main activity field
Identified challenge (s)
Main results

Main issues and challenges:

  1. development of a strong governance model with all the actors involved at local, national and European level in the creation of "Prato Circular City“;
  2. mapping of all existing circular economy initiatives in the city;
  3. creation of an urban reuse agency for the management of abandoned or semi-used spaces and buildings (initiative Rethinking the City), also in line with the principles of collaborative economy.

For more results achieved by the City of Prato, please refer to the following paper (submitted at the ISDRS 2018 Conference):

Circular economy and industrial symbiosis: The role of the municipality of Prato within the EU Urban Agenda partnership by Borsacchi, Barberis and Pinelli.