Europe’s Circular Economy and its Pact for Skills: working together for an inclusive and job-rich transition?

Europe’s Circular Economy and its Pact for Skills: working together for an inclusive and job-rich transition?

Europe’s Circular Economy and its Pact for Skills
Simona Cavallini
Rossella Soldi
Publication Date
September, 2023
Language for original content

New skills development is one of the conditions for moving towards the circular economy.

However, closing the materials cycle while eliminating waste according to repair, reuse and recycle principles requires specific strategies and processes.

First, it is imperative to understand the skills needed to design and subsequently implement these strategies and processes. Then, we need to develop these new skills, both within the education system and in the labour market.

The study reviews recent analyses in order to understand the green or circular skills of the future identified to date in sectoral and EU-wide research. It also examines EU initiatives on skills development for circularity.