CYCLE: Improving resource utilisation in the food chain


The CYCLE 2013-2017 interdisciplinary project, supported by the Research Council of Norway, focused on the food supply chain from both agriculture and marine sectors, with the aim to improve utilisation of raw materials in a bio-economical perspective.

The project included industrial participation involving partners from the agricultural and marine food sectors alongside feed industry, energy and logistics companies, as well as equipment manufacturers.

The goal was to identify innovative solutions for:

  • Automated differentiation and sorting of raw materials, co-streams and waste
  • New food applications for edible co-streams
  • Converting waste not appropriate for human food to feed, feed ingredients or fertilizer
  • Improving logisitics flows
  • Understanding the role of consumers in sustainable consumption

Food value chains from the poultry, fish and vegetable industry were used for the research.

Main results

The CYCLE report exposes several new pathways for optimisation of raw material in the food industry, such as:

  • Optimisation of stock/sales peaks patterns in grocery stores to prevent food waste
  • Economic potential of cascading food chain co-streams
  • Benefits of spectroscopic techniques to control the process of co-stream products
  • Hydrolyzed chicken feathers as an effective source for protein feed
  • Potential for vision-guided robotics to improve raw material use in food processing (GRIBBOT)