Ecoplasteam recycles multi-layer packaging integrally to produce EcoAllene

Type of organisation or company
Soinetta Marengo (Alessandria)
Language for original content
Project elaborated in partnership
Submitted by
Marco Di Vito
Start/End date
Type of funding
Ecoplasteam - Stefano Richaud

Ecoplasteam recycles "tetrapak" multi-layer - paper, polyethylene and aluminium - packaging waste. After paper mills take off the paper layer, Ecoplasteam employs an innovative process to melt the polyethylene and aluminium into EcoAllene™.

EcoAllene™ contains reduced and homogenised aluminium. It is easy to process, offers constant technical and composition characteristics, is colourable, 100% from the recycling process, traceable and 100% recyclable.

Another important feature is its constant availability, due to the large quantities of packaging waste. EcoAllene™ can be used in the huge industry of plastic injection moulding to manufacture several products employed in the automotive, construction, giftware and general tools markets. Its price is competitive as compared to that of virgin plastic.

Main activity field
Identified challenge (s)
Main results
  • Producing EcoAllene is innovative because polyethylene and aluminium are processed without being separated despite forming part of multi-layer packaging waste. Reducing complexity reduces the cost of recycling and enables the Ecoallene material to be priced competitively compared to plastic.
  • The Aluminium in EcoAllene, whose degree is variable according to individual needs, provides a shine preferable to some customers
  • Full production is set to launch late 2018 in Alessandria, Italy, but Ecoplasteam is looking to open new plants in other European countries (Austria, Germany, France, Spain, UK) in the coming years.