Circular Cities Week Report 2020: No city left behind the circular economy revolution

Circular Cities Week Report

Circular Economy Club
Circular Economy Club
Publication Date
February, 2020
Other (Global)
Language for original content
Vanessa Wabitsch
Contact Details

The Circular Cities Week report presents the outcomes of the global event Circular Cities Week including circular challenges and opportunities for cities. It represents a crowdsourced tool for cities worldwide to implement the circular model.

The report explores the association between municipalities pursuing circular economy policy and investments in circular business that create jobs. It also takes a closer look at how businesses perceive this municipal support for circular economy.

The report summarises the findings of a study by the Circular Economy Club (CEC) and the CEC local chapters. The key learnings are as follows:

  1. Role of new technologies
  2. Creating new markets
  3. Need for clear incentives
  4. Policies can promote circulation
  5. Role of reverse logistics.