Circular textiles: Knitting the way to a sustainable future

Circular textiles - Knitting the way to a sustainable future

Circular textiles - Knitting the way to a sustainable future
Publication Date
June, 2021
Language for original content

Textiles are an important issue for cities, as people generate more and more textile waste. City authorities are required to provide for separate collection of used textiles but have limited ways of putting the waste generated to good use.

Eurocities’ paper on circular textiles is published ahead of the Commission's new Strategy for Sustainable Textiles, planned for autumn 2021, to help the EU shift to a climate-neutral, circular economy (CE) where products are designed to be more durable, reusable, repairable, recyclable and energy-efficient. It focuses on a sustainable recovery of the textile sector from the Covid-19 crisis by:

  • making it more competitive,
  • applying CE principles to production, waste management, etc.
  • and directing investment, research and innovation.