Circular Fashion Policy Lab Meeting Agenda
Circular Fashion Policy Lab
On the 24th of May, C&A Foundation, together with Ecopreneur.EU hosted a Circular Fashion Policy Lab in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee in context of the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform.
The purpose of the event was to bring together representatives from across the fashion industry to discuss what key policy measures could make a meaningful impact to boost the transition to a new green economy.
Topics discussed were extended producer responsibility, VAT differentiation for circular materials/inputs, green procurement, ecodesign policy and a global tax shift away from labor to resources. These are core topics which Ecopreneur has been consistently working on, and representing in Brussels in various industries and activities for front runner companies and SMEs.
The event was organised by Arthur ten Wolde from Ecopreneur and MVO Nederland, and hosted by Alyssa Jade McDonald - Baertl, Ecopreneur board member. The two have been working together for a couple of years now on joint projects on the European arena in Brussels in support of pioneering green companies who have made the successful shift to circular economy processes, along with Juliane Reiber, director of Ecopreneur.
The entire industry chain was present and represented diverse interests representing interests in the fashion arena. The group contributed detailed opinions, research and methods of how business works, what challenges exist in the industry and spoke to the opportunities which come when the industry works together on joint higher standards for environmental and social good.
Note: The event was held under Chathams house rules – meaning documentation and details are off the record.