Gees Recycling: traceability of products made from fibre-reinforced composites

Gees Recycling logo
Type of organisation or company
Language for original content
Project elaborated in partnership
Submitted by
Mine Vaganti
Start/End date
Type of funding

Since the early 1960s, fibreglass has been produced and used to a huge extent in various industrial sectors owing to its low production costs. The problem associated with these products is how to dispose of them: there is still no effective disposal system available.

Gees Recycling was one of the first companies in Europe to invest in technologies and plants for recycling fibre-reinforced thermosetting, plastic composites and rigid foams. Today, with its patented recovery process, Gees has acquired know-how in carbon-negative recycled material which meets both the growing demand for green materials and the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Gees' Retracking project has taken up the challenge of developing a competitive management model which complies with European regulations on recycling fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) waste.

This project:

  1. recycles, analyses, produces, identifies and tracks this secondary raw material, and
  2. paves the way for a transition to a circular economy.
Main activity field
Main results

The Retracking project has developed:

  1. a technological infrastructure which, by inserting a RFID tag, makes it possible to track FRC products, and
  2. a cloud platform for managing and monitoring information relating to the various phases of recycling and transformation.

A pilot project has tested a new circular economy model to ensure:

  1. effective recovery management
  2. treatment of FRC waste, and
  3. transformation of this waste into a secondary raw material that can be used to manufacture new products that are 100% recyclable.

The technologies developed in the project make it possible to:

  1. monitor new products made from recycled material, and
  2. enable reverse logistics.