Analysing European Union circular economy policies: words versus actions

Analysing European Union circular economy policies: words versus actions

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Martin Calisto Friant
Walter J.V. Vermeulen
Roberta Salomone
Publication Date
November, 2020
Language for original content
Martin Calisto Friant
Martin Calisto Friant
Contact Details

The academic paper "Analysing European Union circular economy policies: words versus actions" comprehensively reviews and analyses the EU’s circular economy (CE) policies. Results show a dichotomy between words and actions, with a discourse that is rather holistic, while policies focus on “end of pipe solutions”.

To address these limitations, the paper proposes a set of 32 science-based policy recommendations which can help strengthen circular economy policies both within and outside the EU. This research thus brings key insights for practitioners and academics seeking to better understand the EU’s CE policies and how to improve circular economy implementation at both national and international level.

See here for more results, insights and recommendations.