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In this section you will find existing strategies for the transition to a circular economy adopted at national, regional or local level by public authorities.

Submissions for Strategies can be sent via our online specific form.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 68
  • Brussels construction industry roadmap towards a circular economy

    The Brussels Regional Programme for a Circular Economy (CE) is Belgium's capital region strategic effort towards a CE. Within this program, the Brussels construction industry with its 12,000 businesses is a priority sector. As construction and facilities management accounts for 98% of water use, 75% energy demand and 33% of waste in Brussels, there is great potential for a substantial contribution to a circular transition.

    The roadmap, developed in partnership with the Environmental Agency through 3 stakeholder workshops, includes three gradual steps towards circular building in Brussels:

    1. voluntary measures by construction businesses by 2025
    2. comprehensive regulation for circular public buildings by 2030
    3. reforming all relevant local planning regulations to include circularity by 2040.
  • Circulair Den Haag: transitie naar een duurzame economie

    The Hague
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    In this policy note, the City of the Hague outlines why a circular transition is necessary and what benefits it can provide to the city for its sustainable development. Continuing with a state-of-play, the note sketches out the policy framework at European, national and regional level to provide strategic context and introduce analysis of a non-exhaustive list of 143 ongoing circular projects in The Hague area.

    Links to further research show that using the opportunities a circular economy provides in the Construction, Procurement and Retail Trade sectors alone could substantially reduce carbon emissions and deliver 3,500 jobs in city's area.

    Building on this research, the policy note indicates the city's priorities best lie in biomass, construction material and critical raw materials.

  • inclusive circular economy zero waste
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    Yves Antoine Bauche
    Alexandre Garcin

    After the 2014 elections, the new Roubaix municipality team wanted to change the image of its city and encourage a positive attitude towards both its inhabitants and France as a whole.

    The roadmap aims at turning difficulties into advantages, generating a new dynamic. Based on the Sustainable development strategy (since 2003), a zero waste policy is progressively implemented with a focus on cooperation and awareness raising among stakeholders.

    The approach is global, even if some activities are implemented on a micro-scale (budget issue), mostly at the level of a city sub-district (Fresnoy-Mackellerie).

    To enable the entire City of Roubaix to experience the transition to a zero waste economy, projects are open and accessible to all categories of population and businesses.

  • National Circular Economy Strategy Greece

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    Vasileios Liogkas

    Greece's Governmental Economic Policy Council endorsed a National Action Plan on Circular Economy (CE) in early 2018 to set the country on a path towards the long-term adoption of CE principles. This supports Greece's economic strategy in its key quest to green the economy in a way that creates jobs, especially for women and youth, and long-term equitable and inclusive growth based on resource efficiency, promotion of SMEs, innovation and investment in new technologies, and boosting of the “social economy” potential.

    The long-term (2030) goals of the Action Plan are:

    • preventing waste and improving recycling
    • promoting industrial symbiosis
    • supporting circular consumption patterns
    • enhancing multi-stakeholder partnerships
    • monitoring progress towards a CE model through SMART indicators.
  • Strategy for the Transition to the Circular Economy in the Municipality of Maribor

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    Igor Kos

    The underlying idea of the Strategy for the Transition to the Circular Economy (CE) in the Municipality of Maribor, as well as the Wcycle project, is to have an own innovative model as a system for managing all resources available in Maribor and the wider urban area.

    The model is based on the operation of enterprises that are predominantly publicly-owned and already provide public services for residents. They are the city’s bottlenecks that until now have not functioned as a connecting link, which is a fundamental principle in the circular transition.

    Only close cooperation between public companies, citizens, industry and local self-government can lead to a successful interconnected system that optimises resources and results - economic, environmental and social.

  • Plan national de gestion des déchets et des ressources (PNGDR)

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    Paul Rasqué

    Luxembourg's new National Waste and Resource Management Plan includes measures and guidelines for the implementation of the amended Waste Management Act of 21 March 2012.

    It analyzes the situation regarding waste management and lists measures that will be taken to ensure the re-use, recycling, recovery and disposal of waste in the most environmentally friendly conditions while remaining in line with the national and European legislative context.

    The prevention program is integrated in the text of the national plan and introduces a whole-system approach for waste prevention.

    The overall objective of the NWRMP is to protect the environment, cultural property and human health by preventing and reducing the harmful effects of waste. In addition, waste management has long-term goals.

  • Brussels region
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    Joana Cruz
    Catherine Vanderstichelen

    The Brussels Regional Programme for Circular Economy (BRPCE) is an integrated strategy involving 111 measures aimed at delivering circular patterns at the city level. The main objectives of the BPRCE are:

    • to transform environmental objectives into economic opportunities
    • to anchor economic activities within Brussels’ borders, maximising resource circularity and boosting entrepreneurship, and
    • to create new employment opportunities.
  • France
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    Sylvain Chevassus

    The transition towards a circular economy is a key project of the ecological and social transition. The linear model — producing, consuming, discarding — is inevitably leading towards the depletion of the planet's resources.

    We must move towards a different type of economy, where we consume in moderation, products have a longer lifetime, we limit waste, and we are able to transform waste into new resources.

    This transition is a genuine societal project whose aim is to move away from the throw-away society. It invites us to change the way we lead our lives and to invent new and more sustainable production and consumption methods. The French roadmap includes four key priority areas: better production, better consumption, better waste management, and engaging all stakeholders.

  • Extremadura logo
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    Extremadura 2030

    The Regional Government of Extremadura is working on a 'Strategy for a Green and Circular Economy' titled "Extremadura 2030". It aims to encourage the production of goods and services while reducing the consumption and waste of raw materials, water and energy sources, based on the principle of closing the lifecycle of production. By doing so the regional government has created an intrinsic link between its overarching regional economic policy goals, European priorities for a sustainable economic future and the global fight against climate change. This strategy calls for citizens, businesses, civil society, public administration and the scientific community to collaborate in realising the circular economy. Implementation is foreseen through 4 horizontal programmes across 7 thematic axes.

  • Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia

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    The Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia sets the path for Slovenia to become a circular economy front runner in the region. Designed through an inclusive, multi-stakeholder approach, it identifies four priority sectors, give recommendations to the government and identifies best practices. The Roadmap introduces the Circular Triangle, a model which unites three inseparable elements – Circular Economy (business models), Circular Change (government policies) and Circular Culture (citizens), three interdependent aspects that are at the core of systemic change from a linear to a circular economy in Slovenia.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 68