This platform provides information and updates on two key projects:
CIRCWASTE ran from 2016 to 2023, and aimed to promote the efficient use of material flows, waste prevention and new waste and resource management concepts.
PlastLIFE is an ongoing project (2022 to December 2029), aiming to promote a sustainable circular economy for plastics.
The LOOP-Ports project ran from September 2018 to November 2020. It was coordinated by Fundación Valenciaport and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) through the EIT Climate-KIC initiative. Its main goal was to facilitate the transition to a more circular economy in the port sector.
The FOODY EU project promotes entrepreneurial skills and employment of young people, using circular economy principles to combat unemployment. It provides comprehensive information on the management and environmental impacts of food waste, using the food industry and waste management sector to instill in young people the value of resource conservation.
As a growing community of European frontrunner festivals, Green Deal Circular Festivals strives for fully circular and climate neutral festivals, as festivals can play a guiding role in inspiring a green movement and accelerate society’s transition.
The LIFE CIRC-ELV project has developed a new process for managing end-of-life vehicles to recover bumpers and fuel tanks, recycle the materials and use them to manufacture pipes and new parts for vehicles. Using this recycled plastic in products from this industry and others will help reduce the carbon footprint by 85%.
As part of the EU's Bioregio project, the Slovakian city of Nitra has developed a project for community composting by 50 households. The system produces compost, which can be used as a fertiliser by the community. The project aims to lower technical barriers to the reduction of bio-waste.
CLIC trans-disciplinary research project aims to demonstrate that it is economically, socially and environmentally convenient to maintain and/or reuse cultural heritage and landscape.
The Horizon-2020 SHAREBOX project promoted industrial symbiosis by developing an online platform providing information on waste resources (i.e. energy, water, residues, etc.) that could be used to replace primary resources, to plant managers and other decision-makers.