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  • About this contact

    Marine Courmont Lelieur works as the head of European and International Affairs at the National Institute for Circular Economy (INEC).

    INEC is a French multi-stakeholder association made up of more than 200 public and private organisations: businesses, local authorities, associations, professional federations and universities. Founded in 2013, INEC is now recognised as the leading think tank in France on resource preservation. It aims to promote the circular economy, link up the key issues of the green transition and identify achievable trajectories for making production and consumption models sustainable.

    INEC has three main activities :

    • Produce and publish studies to meet the need for objective data on the circular economy;
    • Shape proposals and work with public authorities to ensure that the legislative framework is geared to the circular economy;
    • Support public and private actors as they implement circular strategies.

    Marine Courmont Lelieur is in charge of INEC's activities in Europe and around the world. Advocating for resource preservation, she covers topics related to circular economy policies, international partnerships and EU-funded projects. She has a Master's degree in European environmental policies and expertise in the circular economy.

  • Portrait of Anna Brussa
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    EIT Climate-KIC is Europe’s leading climate innovation agency and community, supporting cities, regions, countries and industries as they work to meet their climate ambitions through systems innovation and place-based transformations.

    Anna Brassa is part of EIT Climate-KIC's leadership team as a Deep Demonstrations Teams Orchestrator. The Deep Demonstrations project, launched in 2019, serves as a testbed for large-scale, place-based demonstrations of sustainable, regenerative living. She also oversees the work performed by Climate-KIC with the Government of Slovenia on the Deep Demonstration of a Circular, Regenerative and Low-Carbon Economy in Slovenia, developing pathways for a more radical transition to climate neutrality through a circular economy, using a systems innovation approach.

  • Picture of Theresa Morsen
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    At Zero Waste Europe (ZWE), Theresa Mörsen works as Waste & Resources Policy Officer and acts within the EU institutional bubble advocating for more ambitious legislation on waste prevention and resource consumption. She covers areas such as textiles, food waste and organic material, along with the broader field of municipal waste. Before joining ZWE, she worked as regulatory affairs manager in the private sector monitoring EU environmental policies, especially on electrical appliances. She also has experience working in the German and European parliaments.

    Zero Waste Europe is the European network of communities, local leaders, experts and change agents working towards the elimination of waste in our society. ZWE advocates for sustainable systems and the redesign of our relationship with resources to accelerate a just transition towards zero waste for the benefit of people and the planet.

    ZWE is also part of the Rethink Plastic alliance, an alliance of +10 European NGOs working with European policy makers to design and deliver policy solutions to tackle plastic pollution.

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    ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1 750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in over 100 countries, ICLEI influences sustainability policy and drives local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.

    Simon Clement joined ICLEI Europe in 2002. As Head of Circular Economy, he is responsible for ICLEI's activities in this field, including managing the European Circular Cities Declaration. For over 20 years he has worked for, and on behalf of, local, regional and national governments in project, policy and strategy development on sustainability issues such as circular economy, procurement, transport and smart cities.

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    Ms Ettinger is a lawyer in Germany and holds a Master of Law degree from George Mason University (USA). Before joining EuRIC, she worked at a Brussels-based consultancy, advising multinational companies on environmental, health and safety matters.

    EuRIC is a confederation which represents the interests of European recycling industries within the EU. It spans the majority of waste streams, and so can facilitate cooperation between national recycling and resource management federations and companies from over 23 European countries, operating both locally and globally.

    EuRIC represents:

    • 5 500+ companies generating an aggregated annual turnover of about €95 billion, including large companies and SMEs involved in the recycling of and trade in various resource streams
    • 300 000 local jobs which cannot be outsourced to non-EU countries
    • a million tons of waste recycled each year (metals, paper, glass, plastics, WEEE, ELVs, tyres, textiles, construction & demolition, etc.).

    By turning waste into resources, recycling loops recycled materials back into value chains. Recyclers play a key role in bridging resource efficiency, climate change policy and the industrial transition.

  • Eva Bille photo
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    At the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Eva leads the Circular Economy team, which is active in cross-cutting policy areas which influence the transition towards a truly circular economy. The EEB is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations with over 180 members in more than 40 countries. 

    Prior to working at the EEB, Eva spent over 10 years as an EU policy consultant, working with major companies and trade associations in the Brussels bubble. She has also worked for the European Commission and the UN in Lebanon and spent four years working in China.

    She studied economics and graduated with a Master’s Degree in resources, development and growth from Tilburg University in the Netherlands.

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    United Kingdom
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    The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity which aims to speed up the transition to the circular economy. Since it was set up, the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, putting the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across business, government and academia.

  • About this contact

    Lieze works as the head of the international policy unit at OVAM, the Public Waste Agency of Flanders, which ensures that Flanders deals with waste, materials and soil in a well thought out and environmentally sound manner. Since 1981, OVAM has been developing a balanced mix of economic and regulatory instruments on waste, materials and soil that has made the Region of Flanders one of the frontrunners in Europe in this field.

    We are joining forces with our partners in business, civil society, research and government to develop a circular economy, taking a multi-stakeholder participatory approach. Circular Flanders, which was initiated by OVAM, serves as hub, inspiration and matchmaker for the transition to a circular economy in Flanders. We implement measures that go beyond sorting and recycling waste to make a systemic shift from take-make-waste to a new economic model that factors in the scarcity of raw materials and the ecological limits of our planet.

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    Sofie works as a policy advisor for the international policy unit at OVAM, the Public Waste Agency of Flanders, which ensures that Flanders deals with waste, materials and soil in a well thought out and environmentally sound manner. Since 1981, OVAM has been developing a balanced mix of economic and regulatory instruments on waste, materials and soil that has made the Region of Flanders one of the frontrunners in Europe in this field.

    We are joining forces with our partners in business, civil society, research and government to develop a circular economy, taking a multi-stakeholder participatory approach. Circular Flanders, which was initiated by OVAM, serves as hub, inspiration and matchmaker for the transition to a circular economy in Flanders. We implement measures that go beyond sorting and recycling waste to make a systemic shift from take-make-waste to a new economic model that factors in the scarcity of raw materials and the ecological limits of our planet.

  • Carsten Wachholz
    Type of organisation or company
    United Kingdom
    About this contact

    The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity which aims to speed up the transition to the circular economy. Since it was set up, the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, putting the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across business, government and academia.

    Carsten Wachholz joined the Foundation in 2020 after spending two years working for the European Investment Bank on Corporate Responsibility and another four years working for the European Environmental Bureau on the first EU Circular Economy Action Plan. Carsten leads the Foundation's newly established Brussels-based team supporting the development of circular economy policies at EU and international level (e.g. G20, OECD), in close collaboration with the Foundation's systemic initiatives on plastics, fashion and food.

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  • Commitment Targets
    Other (Sustainable management of water)
    To be achieved by:

    Reduce water use in Diageo's operations with a 40% improvement in water use efficiency in water stressed areas and 30% improvement across the company.

    Other (Sustainable management of water)
    To be achieved by:

    Replenish more water than Diageo uses for their operations for all their sites in water-stressed areas by 2026.

    Other (Sustainable management of water)
    To be achieved by:

    Invest in 150 projects to improve access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in communities near Diageo sites and local sourcing areas in all of Diageo's water-stressed markets.

    Other (Sustainable management of water)
    Start Date:

    Engage in collective action in all of their Priority Water Basins to improve water accessibility, availability and quality and contribute to a net positive water impact.

    Recycling (also including specific waste streams)
    To be achieved by:

    Achieve zero waste in Diageo's direct operations and zero waste to landfill in Diageo's supply chain.

    Recycled materials as part of raw materials demand (recycled content)
    To be achieved by:

    Ensure 100% of Diageo's packaging is widely recyclable (or reusable/compostable).

    Recycled materials as part of raw materials demand (recycled content)
    To be achieved by:

    Continue to reduce packaging and increase recycled content in Diageo's packaging (delivering a 10% reduction in packaging weight + increasing the % recycled content of the packaging to 60%).

    Recycled materials as part of raw materials demand (recycled content)
    To be achieved by:

    Ensure 100% of Diageo's plastics are designed to be widely recyclable (or reusable/compostable) by 2025 and achieve 40% recycled content in Diageo's plastic bottles by 2025, and 100% by 2030.

    Other (Sustainable agriculture management)
    To be achieved by:

    Provide all of Diageo's local sourcing communities with agricultural skills and resources, building economic and environmental resilience (supporting 150,000 smallholder farmers).

    Other (Sustainable agriculture management)
    To be achieved by:

    Develop regenerative agriculture pilot programmes in 5 key sourcing landscapes.

    Other (Accelerate to a low carbon world)
    To be achieved by:

    Become Net Zero carbon in Diageo's direct operations.

    Other (Accelerate to a low carbon world)
    To be achieved by:

    Reduce Diageo's value chain carbon emissions by 50%.

    Other (Accelerate to a low carbon world)
    To be achieved by:

    Use 100% renewable electricity across all of Diageo's direct operations.

  • Commitment Targets
    Recycled materials as part of raw materials demand (recycled content)
    To be achieved by:

    By 2025, 100% recyclable beverage packaging & PET bottles of 50% recycled content.

    Recycling (also including specific waste streams)
    To be achieved by:

    By 2030, PET bottles of 100% recycled and/or renewable PET, 90% collected & more use of refillables.

  • Country
    Relevant sectors
    Commitment Targets
    Other (rPET Compatibility)
    To be achieved by:

    By 2025, all new PET bottling lines will be suitable for processing up to 100% high-quality rPET without compromising output quality, efficiency or effectiveness.

    Other (Plastic-free secondary packaging)
    To be achieved by:

    By 2022, alternative secondary packaging solutions free of disposable plastics will be available for every established SKU format multipack.

    Other (Advisory for recycling-friendly packaging design)
    Start Date:

    Krones will leverage its technological expertise to help customers design packaging that specifically facilitates post-consumer recycling.

    Other (Upgrading from linear to circular economy)
    Start Date:

    Krones will assist its customers to adapt existing lines in order to achieve the best possible outcomes when using recycled or renewable input materials.

    Other (Tethered caps)
    Start Date:

    With immediate effect, Krones will make available capping equipment for tethered caps.

    Other (Sustainable labelling)
    Start Date:

    Krones makes it possible to use detachable labels to enhance recyclability. It aims to make labels jointly recyclable with containers or to eliminate separate labelling.

    Other (Investing in recycling solutions)
    Start Date:

    Krones will continue to allocate substantial R&D resources to its recycling technology division in order to facilitate physical recycling of post-consumer plastics.

    Other (Beyond PET packaging)
    Start Date:

    Krones will actively explore disruptive new technologies delivering beverages to consumers without conventional PET packaging (e.g. pulp bottles, no-packaging solutions).

  • Commitment Targets
    Waste reduction
    Start Date:

    LIPOR's Environmental Education and Intervention Program aims to create an educational offer that encourages citizens to implement good environmental practices.

    Food waste reduction
    Start Date:

    LIPOR’s annual prevention programme includes several projects and initiatives implemented across all  eight municipalities aiming to prevent and reduce food waste.

    Recycling (also including specific waste streams)
    Start Date:

    The Strategic Plan for Urban Waste 2020 (PERSU 2020) is the reference instrument of the urban waste policy in Portugal.

    LIPOR has defined a target of 50 kg per inhabitant a year in 2020 for selective

    Green public procurements
    Start Date:

    One public tender for catering services with fully sustainable and circular criteria.

  • Starbucks to phase out plastic straws worldwide by 2020
    Other (Worldwide)
    Commitment Targets
    Waste reduction
    To be achieved by:

    Starbucks target is to phase out plastic straws from its more than 28,000 stores worldwide by 2020, a decision that will eliminate more than 1 billion straws a year.

  • Commitment Targets
    Recycled materials as part of raw materials demand (recycled content)
    To be achieved by:

    100% recycled and other sustainable sourced materials by 2030.

    Other (Cotton content)
    To be achieved by:

    100% recycled, certified organic or sustainable sourced cotton by 2020.

    Other (Waste collection)
    To be achieved by:

    To increase the collected volume of garments to reach 25,000 tonnes annually; achieved in 2019 with 29,005 tonnes of garments collected for recycling and reuse.

    Other (Packaging)
    Start Date:

    100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging
    Reduce plastic packaging by 25%
    25% post recycled plastic across all packaging used

    Other (Packaging)
    Start Date:

    100% recycled or other sustainably sourced material

    Other (New Plastics Economy)
    Start Date:
  • Country
    Relevant sectors
    Circular Procurement
    Commitment Targets
    Other (Circular Procurement (public + private))
    To be achieved by:

    Buyers have committed themselves to successfully completing two circular purchasing projects between June 2017 and June 2019.

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